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The Guardian Women 12 Week Program On Demand Videos

Just click on your weekly video below, log-in and you are ready to train. Enjoy!

You can also scroll down the page for an outline of the course contents.

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Welcome to the Guardian Women community!

This video will  provide some insight into what this program is all about, and what we are going to achieve together. It is important to watch as it covers safety aspects of training.

We will cover conceptual topics such as non-violence, strength and size, what to expect from training and what the system is about.

Then training begins! I will run you through our guard, footwork, drills and bursting.



Week 1: Upper Body Striking

Upperbody striking forms a strong foundation of self-defence capacity that is highly versatile and effective. The techniques you will learn in this section will give you a strong advantage regardless of your size or strength and have been chosen for their effectiveness whilst maintaining an ease of learning. They include finger jabs, palm heel strikes, elbow strikes, hammer fist strikes and a protective spike.


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Week 2: Lower Body Striking

Our legs are super strong and are perfect to strike out and keep an attacker away. We can also make use of them when our hands may be unable to be used. In this section, we will look at a variety of ways we can utilise kicks at different angles and ranges. The techniques include knee strikes, groin kick - instep, ball of foot push kick and side and rear stomp kicks. 

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Week 3: How Attacks Start and How to Stop Them

We are often told to be more situationally aware, but do you know what you are looking for?

And even more importantly, do you know what to do once you recognise a threat?

What if the person is coming in without aggression?

You know there is something off about the situation but they are using a ‘closing’ technique such as a general question or request for assistance to get close to you.

How do we protect ourselves from these kinds of potentially dangerous situations?

This section will explore this very important aspect of self-defence.

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Week 4: High Level Atacks

When we are suddenly confronted with a highly aggressive attacker we will experience an adrenal response.

This section explains some of the things we may experience and how that may affect our defence capabilities.

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Week 5: Improvised Defensive Tools

Often when attacked we start out at a disadvantage.
Using everyday objects as defensive tools allows us to level up our responses and even the playing field or even tip it into our favour.

Let’s learn how to best use what’s at hand.

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Week 6: Defence From Grabs

Being grabbed means that our ability to escape the situation has been taken from us, meaning that the attack is likely to escalate into some pretty horrible situations.

In this section we will learn some effective, non-strength based ways of clearing a variety of common grabs including wrist and hair grabs and being held and hit.

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Week 7: Arm Choke Defence

When someone tries to apply pressure to your throat with their arm you must act as early as possible to give yourself the greatest chance to get free in time.

In this section, we will look at some techniques that we can attempt when placed in this highly dangerous situation.

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Week 8: Bear Hug Defences Part 1.

Bear hugs are a common precursor to serious attacks.

In this section, we will look at how to free ourselves quickly from their grasp regardless of their positioning.

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Week 9: Bear Hug Defences Part 2.

In this section, we will look at some more variations of bear hug attacks, including when our arms may be free and also more problematic bear hug attacks such as when the attacker is starting to lift or drag us.

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Week 10: Strangle Releases

With this kind of a potentially lethal attack, having a strong reflexive response is essential.  In this section we will look at the skills you will need to use to survive.

We cover freestanding strangle releases and strangles being held against a wall which is a foundation move for the upcoming video on ground defence.

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Week 11: Ground Defence Part 1.

Ending up on the ground in an attack is a seriously bad position.

If we find ourselves on the ground with an attacker hitting or strangling us, it’s imperative that we have a simple solution that works under the full duress of an actual attack.

In this section, we look at how to successfully clear the attacker and get up to our feet.

Week 12: Ground Defence Part 2.

Following on from our last section, we now look at what to do when the attacker is now sitting on top of you (mount position), and what we need to do to get them off us and get to our feet including bridging and other techniques.

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Thank you

Thank you for being a part of our community and choosing to learn with us!

Don’t forget that this is just the beginning.

Keep working to continually improve and add to your defensive skill set.

We are here for you, so be sure to ask any questions you may still have and we look forward to you training with us again soon!

Come and join the Guardian Women revolution. We would love to hear from you!

03 93834848

0466 494 485

1 Joyce Court Coburg North, VIC. Australia, 3058

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